"Among those who came before you was a man who killed 99 people. He then asked to be guided to the most prolific worshipper from the inhabitants of the earth, and he was directed to a monk. He went to him and told him that he had killed 99 people, and he asked whether it was possible for him to repent. The monk said, 'No.' The man killed him, thus making him the 100th victim. He then asked to be directed to the most knowledgeable of the Earth's inhabitants, and he was guided to a scholar. He went to him and told him that he had killed 100 people, and he asked whether it was possible for him to repent. The scholar said, 'Yes, and who will stand between you and repentance. Go to such and such land, for in it dwell a people who worship Allah, so go and worship Allah with them. And do not return to your land, for it is indeed a land of evil.' He left, and when he reached the halfway point of his journey, he died. The angels of Mercy and the angels of Punishment disputed with one another [in regard to his case]. The angels of Mercy said, 'He came to us repentant, advancing with his heart towards Allah.' The angels of Punishment said, 'Indeed, he never performed any good deeds.' Then an angel came in the form of a human being, and both groups of angels asked him to be the judge between them. He said, 'Measure the distance between the two lands. Whichever land he is closer to is the land that he is closer to [in terms of being of its people]. They then measured the distance and found that he was closer to the land that he was heading towards, and so it was the angels of Mercy who then took his soul."
[al-Bukhaari: 3470 ; Muslim: 2766]